About Us

Our History

The credit union was charted in 1935 under the National Federal Credit Union Act. It’s original name was Flushing, NY Postal District Federal Credit Union and was assigned charter #119. The credit union was one of many regional Post Office Employee Credit Unions that were established by Post Office Employees to encourage thrift and provide a source for borrowing at lower rates for fellow employees. In the early days, the credit union was run by volunteers and was non-cash until the early 1990’s. Over the years, the name of the credit union changed to reflect the expansion of its postal field of membership through merger of a smaller Postal Credit Union, AMF Kennedy Employees FCU and expansion of Postal Facilities in Queens. 

Today, the credit union is known as Triboro Postal Federal Credit Union. The is located at the Flushing Postal Facility in Whitestone. A staff of nine, seven Board Members, and four Supervisory Committee members oversee the operations of the credit union.

Board of Directors

  • PRESIDENT - Janine Davidson

  • VICE PRESIDENT - Phyllis Morrissey

  • TREASURER - Dennis Desposito

  • DIRECTOR - Rita Fortune

  • DIRECTOR - Leonard Spero


  • DIRECTOR - James Burns

Supervisory Committee

  • CHAIR PERSON - Zadiee Vasquez


  • COMMITTEE MEMBER - Carl Carpenter

  • COMMITTEE MEMBER - Sharon Browne